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Failure Is Where The Riches Lay

Failure Is Where The Riches Lay

Failure Is Where The Riches Lay

Failure Is Where The Riches Lay

Failure Is Where The Riches Lay By Zach Danesh Heavy wears the crown. Whether it's as president, king, or chief of a tribe, leadership is a practice. It takes a very conscious mind in order ...

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The Struggle

The Struggle

The Struggle By Zach Danesh The struggle is what life is all about. The struggle is the catalyst for growth, movement, and change. There is a practice that I've done for over a decade called Jiu...

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The Ground is My Ocean

The Ground is My Ocean

In the vast expanse of life, there are those who navigate it with ease and those who struggle to stay afloat. Like a shark in the ocean, some individuals are natural-born survivors, able to naviga...

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Greek Mythology and Jiu Jitsu Philosophy

Greek Mythology and Jiu Jitsu Philosophy

The rich tapestry of Greek mythology weaves tales of valor, depicting heroes who embark on dangerous quests, conquer obstacles, and ultimately emerge as victors, imparting valuable lessons on co...

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The Path to Personal Freedom

The Path to Personal Freedom

Martial arts is like a journey through a dense forest. At first, the path is unclear, and you stumble over roots and rocks. But with each step, you become more confident, more aware of your surro...

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Life is a Battle

Life is a Battle

Life is a battlefield. Every day, we face challenges and obstacles that threaten to defeat us. We must navigate the twists and turns of fate, often with little warning or preparation. It is a bat...

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To Seek is to Suffer

To Seek is to Suffer

Life is a journey full of twists and turns, highs and lows, and unexpected surprises. Along the way, we all seek something: love, success, happiness, or perhaps even inner peace. Yet, seeking is n...

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The Samurai Philosophy of Life

The Samurai Philosophy of Life

  The Samurai, a revered class of warriors in feudal Japan, adhered to a strict code of ethics and control. Their philosophy, Bushido, emphasized fundamental ideals such as duty, devotion, and re...

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The Art of Living

The Art of Living

The great Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius, once said that "the art of living is more like wrestling than dancing." At first glance, this quote may seem puzzling, but upon closer examination, its wi...

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Higher Consciousness Through Harder Contact

Higher Consciousness Through Harder Contact

Imagine a tree standing tall and proud, its roots firmly planted in the earth, reaching deep into the soil. This tree has weathered many storms, withstood the test of time, and grown stronger wit...

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