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Article: To Seek is to Suffer

To Seek is to Suffer

To Seek is to Suffer

Life is a journey full of twists and turns, highs and lows, and unexpected surprises. Along the way, we all seek something: love, success, happiness, or perhaps even inner peace. Yet, seeking is not always an easy path. It can be riddled with obstacles, challenges, and even suffering.
To seek is to wander through a dense forest, where the way is unclear, and the path is rough. It may seem like a daunting task, but it is better to keep moving forward than to stand still and never venture beyond the safety of our comfort zone. Even if the journey is arduous and we stumble and fall, we are still making progress.
The truth is, to not seek at all is to remain stagnant, trapped in the same old routines, and never experiencing the full potential of life. It is like being a bird without wings, trapped in a cage, and never knowing the beauty of soaring high in the sky.
Yes, seeking can bring suffering, but it is in these moments of struggle that we grow the most. We learn valuable lessons about ourselves, our limitations, and our strengths. We gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us and the people we meet along the way.
In the end, seeking is not just about the destination but the journey itself. It is about the experiences we have and the people we become. So let us embrace the path ahead, even if it is filled with thorns and brambles. For it is better to seek and suffer than to never seek at all.

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